Aspire & Achieve
Advancing Eve is a membership community dedicated to supporting females achieve their aspirations.
Join our community
The benefits of becoming a member of the Advancing Eve community are as unique as each member, with the broad range of support on offer meaning you can pick and choose what’s right for you, no matter what your age or stage in life. The network of likeminded females, personal and professional development opportunities, wellbeing apps, discounts and events are all available to you.
Our three membership options for joining the Advancing Eve community include Individual, something just for you; Individual +, for those of you who have a friend or family member you feel would also benefit from the above, but are perhaps not able to join themselves; and Business, because we all prosper from female entrepreneurship.
The surplus funds we generate from your membership subscription is used to provide grants to help girls and women to achieve their aspirations, so simply by joining our community, you are supporting others to prosper.
Stay in the know
By signing up to our Eve’s Updates newsletter, you agree to the terms and conditions set out by Advancing Eve. Don’t worry – we won’t pass on your information and we won’t send you unwanted emails.